The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Glycine, 500 mg Take 1 three times a day
Lecithin ½ Tbs. daily. Supplies methyl groups, also choline.
Methionine, 500 mg Take one a day
Pantothenic acid (as calcium
pantothenate, 500 mg.

Take three a day, makes coenzyme A
Taurine, 500 mg Take 1 three times a day. Detoxifies cholesterol,
Vitamin B 6 , 250 mg Take 1 a day. It is inactivated by malonic acid.
Vitamin B 12 , 1 mg Take 1 three times a day if ill, once a day if not ill.
Vitamin C, 1000 mg
(¼ tsp. powder)

Take 6 a day until all malonic acid has been re-
moved from your diet and the dental plastic is out of
your mouth. Then reduce to three a day. Take only
one a day with food if diarrhea is present.

The dosage of folic acid supplements is regulated by the
FDA to be no more than 1 mg. This is because higher doses
could mask a B 12 deficiency. Of course, when using both to-
gether, this could not happen. There is considerable research
evidence that much higher doses of both B 12 and folic acid
would benefit us all, perhaps even prevent multiple sclerosis
and Parkinson’s disease. A better regulation would be to require
that they always be sold together. Much higher doses than a few
mg are needed to detoxify malonic acid. Typically, it takes 25
mg of folic acid to detoxify the malonic acid seeping from
plastic tooth fillings. Even higher doses are needed if it is
seeping into the brain. This happens in Parkinson’s disease and
brain tumors.
As soon as dental plastic is gone and the diet is free of ma-
lonic acid, the requirement for B 12 , folic acid, and vitamin C
drops dramatically. Perhaps even all the way down to the rec-
ommended daily allowance (RDA). After you are well, you
could cut all dosages of all supplements in half or less.
The remaining supplements in the list are for other pur-

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