The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


General Health Supplements
Vitamin C in powdered form, is a must in your lifestyle. It
helps the liver, and possibly other organs, detoxify things. I
have not seen it help to detoxify benzene, though. It does help
retard mold. Keep some next to your refrigerator so it is handy
when you put away groceries. Add 1/8 tsp. to maple syrup,
vinegar, cooked cereal, pasta, leftovers. Have at least ¼ tsp. (1
gram) with each meal. This much can be stirred into milk with-
out changing the flavor. If you take it straight, it can give you
Vitamin B 1 , 500 mg per meal, is essential for the cancer
patient to help restore health to the tumorous organ. It also im-
proves appetite and liver function.
Vitamin B 2 , 300 mg per meal. All B vitamins help oxidize
food, something for which cancer sufferers have reduced capa-
bility, causing fatigue. B 2 also detoxifies benzene to phenol.
Magnesium oxide, 300 mg, is another must. It can detoxify
phenol to magnesium phenyl phosphate, allowing it to leave
through the kidneys. Take one a day, but not during a bout of
diarrhea. It is a major mineral; all of our cells need lots of it.
Only leafy vegetables provide it. The green drinks on page 549
can supply some and do not pose a pollution risk nor aggravate
Choline, too, is easily obtained from food, so there is no
need to risk taking a tablet or capsule. It is plentiful in eggs,
lentils, lecithin granules and milk. It supplies methyl groups.
Ornithine and Arginine, both 500 mg, are very important
detoxifiers of ammonia via the urea synthesis cycle. But they do
much more. We have seen them specifically help to eliminate
Clostridium bacteria.
Hydrogen peroxide, food grade. It is advantageous to kill
bacteria and viruses to some extent every day. Hydrogen per-
oxide lets you do this. It should never come in contact with

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