The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


For cockroaches and other insects (except ants) sprinkle
handfuls of boric acid^53 (not borax) under your shelf paper, be-
hind sink, stove, refrigerator, under carpets, etc.
Use vinegar on your kitchen wipe-up cloth to leave a resi-
due that keeps out ants. Pour vinegar all around your house out-
side, using one gallon for every five feet, to deter ants. Do this
several times a year. Keep foliage trimmed next to the house.
You may also use an electronic pest deterrent (see Sources).
Remove all cans and bottles of “stuff” from the bathroom,
to the garage. The chlorine bleach is stored in the garage.
Someone else can bring it in to clean the toilet (only). Leave
only the borax-soap, homemade soap, and grain alcohol anti-
septic. Toilet paper and tissues should be unfragranced, uncol-
ored. All colognes, after shave, anything you can smell must be
removed. Family members should buy unfragranced products
which must not contain isopropyl alcohol. They should smoke
outdoors, blow-dry their hair outdoors or in the garage, use nail
polish and polish remover outdoors or in the garage.
Do not sleep in a bedroom that is paneled or has wallpaper.
They give off arsenic fumes and formaldehyde. Either remove
them or move your bed to a different room. Leave the house
while this is being done. If other rooms have paneling or wall-
paper, close their doors and spend no time in them.
Take taurine and cysteine to help your body recover from
formaldehyde damage (same dosages as given on page 170).
Do not keep new foam furniture in the house. If it is less
than one year old, move it into the garage until you are well. It
gives off formaldehyde. Wash new clothing for the same rea-
son. And do not sleep on foam pillows or a foam mattress.

(^53) Boric acid is available by the pound from farm supply stores or
see Sources. Because it looks like sugar, keep it in the garage, la-
beled, to prevent accidental poisoning.

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