The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Turn off radiators and cover them with big plastic garbage
bags, or paint them, or remove them. They give off asbestos
from the old paint.
Do not use the hot water from an electric hot water heater
for cooking or drinking. It has tungsten. Do not drink water that
sits in glazed crock ware (the glaze seeps toxic elements like
cadmium) like some water dispensers have. Do not buy water
from your health food store or any other dispensing place. All
holding tanks, all stills, all pumps, must be periodically cleaned,
sterilized and greased. Petroleum derived products are used for
this. These pollute the water. You can identify them with a
Syncrometer. It would be interesting to find out who is servic-
ing your health food store’s supply and with what.
Change all the galvanized or copper water pipes to PVC
plastic. All cancer patients have a buildup of copper. If you
are already anemic, this is your top priority. Copper prevents
iron from being used by the body to make hemoglobin. Copper
uses up your glutathione. Copper causes mutations. It would be
wise to switch to plastic plumbing before anybody in your
home develops illnesses. Although PVC is a toxic substance,
amazingly, the water is free of PVC in three weeks!
If you have a water softener, by-pass it immediately and re-
place the metal pipe on the user side of the softener tank. Sof-
tener salts are polluted with strontium and chromate; they are
also full of aluminum. The salts corrode the pipes so the pipes
begin to seep cadmium into the water. After changing your
pipes to plastic, there will be so little iron and hardness left, you
may not need a softener. If the water comes from a well, con-
sider changing the well-pipe to PVC to get rid of iron. While
the well is open, have the pump checked for PCBs. Call the
Health Department to arrange the testing. If you must have
softening after all this, check into the new magnetic varieties of
water softener (although they only work well when used with
plastic plumbing).

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