The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1



are using. If any do make this mistake, he will lose his client who
will straight away go to a drugstore for supplies.^1

I believe hostage-holding of the sick is im-
moral, fundamentally unethical, and needs to
be stopped.

Besides the moral issue, there is a practical issue. It would
benefit society much more if the sick person were quickly res-
cued and helped back to productivity. A healthy society
benefits each of us immensely. Likewise, an ill society injures
us immensely, even when it is half a planet away. With this
book, I hope to give away as many secrets as I can about the
cause and the cure of all cancers, letting the truth come first and
“professional concerns” come last.
The human species can no longer afford to make a business
out of illness. Global travel reduces our planet to the size of our
backyards. In order to keep our own backyards clean, the
neighbors must keep theirs clean. So it is with keeping our
bodies free of viruses, bacteria and parasites. We all must be
free of them. The concept of health as a narrow professional
concern is obsolete.
This book is intended as a gift to humanity. I make a plea to
the public and private sector of the medical community not to
suppress this information but to disperse it regardless of embar-
rassment or liability from the simplicity and newness of the
cure, provided only that it meets your standard of truth.

(^1) Shook, Dr. Edward E., Advanced Treatise in Herbology, Trinity
Center Press, 1978, p. 172.

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