The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


: Fasciolopsis miracidia (Parasite) YES at kidney, bladder,
Start on parasite program.

One month later
… Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO
Has never used the word “cancer”; her friend shields her.
… Fasciolopsis and all stages (Parasite) NO
She says she feels “like a new person.” This is usually the time of
year she suffers most and gets shots.
… PVC (Toxic Element) NO
: Scandium (Toxic Element) YES
Probably in tooth fillings. She is not planning on coming back for a
while. She will stay on parasite maintenance program.
Summary: This is another one of those cases where it is impossible
for the client to discuss cancer. Although I referred to it plainly, her
responses were on a different subject as though she didn't hear me. Her
friend (who was extremely concerned about her) played this pretend
game with her, probably to get her compliance. Fortunately, she did
comply with all instructions, and she regained her health in a short

11 Ruth Stang Colon Cancer
Ruth Stang is a young woman in her 20's with lots of pain in neck,
right arm, shoulder, chest, ovary. Also tachycardia and mitral valve
prolapse. She passes out without a cause. Recurrent kidney infection and
blood in urine. Fatigue. Too thin. Can't gain weight. Works in doctor's
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES in colon
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES in colon and liver
: Fasciolopsis miracidia (Parasite) YES in colon only
I suspect heart parasites, gallstones and kidney stones. She was to
start on parasite program.
Summary: It was heartbreaking to see such a young person so dis-
abled due to no fault of her own. She appreciated the encouragement
we could give her that she would be completely well in a few months. A
few days later the bank had returned her payment check, saying a

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