The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


  1. Urinalysis shows urinary
    tract infection
    and crystals

Start on kidney program.

  1. Platelet count very high (403) cancer

  2. WBC slightly high infection

  3. Lymphs very low toxin in bone marrow

  4. Eos high parasites
    : Pancreatic fluke (Parasite) YES
    : Cysticercus (Parasite) YES
    : Echinococcus granulosus (Parasite) YES
    Continue parasite program.

5 days later
She has not been able to do dental work yet.
: Cysticercus, Pancreatic fluke (Parasite) YES
… Echinococcus granulosus all stages (Parasites) NO
Increase wormwood to 16 for 3 days. Then 16 capsules 2 times a
week for 3 months. Then 16 capsules 1 time a week.
: Uric Acid, Phosphate (Kidney Stones) YES
Continue kidney recipe. Client released.
Summary: Mary came from several states away and had only 16
days to accomplish her goal: to avoid a hysterectomy. After 6 days her
cancer had disappeared. We hope she will eventually do a liver cleanse
to lose the weight she suddenly gained. She planned to return at her
next vacation to get dental work done.

15 Mona Moon Cancer
Mona Moon, about 70 years old, was worried that she might have
cancer and this was her purpose in coming to us. She was not ill. I tested
her right away.
: Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES in her WBCs
(cancer location not found)
I immediately tested for the intestinal fluke.
: Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES in one side of the liver

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