- Calcium low (9.0) Drink 2% milk - 3 glasses/day; take
Magnesium 300 mg 1/day. - Triglycerides high (198) kidney. Take Vit. D (50,000 2 times
per week. - SGPT slightly high needs liver cleanse
- FBS slightly high (116) prediabetic - clean liver
- Potassium very low (3.6) adrenal problem, clean kidney
- WBC high (9.3) infection somewhere
- Platelet count very high (513) had cancer at the time
- Lymphs very low (17.6) toxin in bone marrow
Take vitamin C - 1000 mg each meal, from Bronson's Pharm only.
Try going off BentylTM and muscle relaxant. Still having dizziness
and mid-abdomen pain.
Three weeks later
He is working at the office again and around the house. Energy is
up, big improvement. Disposition is better according to his wife.
Eight weeks later
He is feeling quite well. He had cavitations cleaned on left side (7 or
8 teeth). He will get Vitamin D from dentist (50,000 units 2/week).
Bone healing program:
- Milk - 3 glasses/day, 2%
- Magnesium oxide - 300 mg 2/day
- Zinc - 60 mg once a day for 100 days from Bronson's Pharm.
- Vitamin D - 50,000 2/week
Three months later
Prostate is fine, urination is fine. Still has occasional pain across
chest (needs to clean liver). He still has daily headache (uses pain
: Dog heartworm (Parasite) YES
Go back on high dose parasite program followed by maintenance.
Summary: Joel became a well, productive person in the course of a few
months by working at cleaning his kidneys, killing parasites and
changing his daily habits. Notice how dog heartworm easily comes
back; it takes about ½ year on maintenance program to completely kill
it. He was a very happy man at his last visit and was preparing for a
liver cleanse.