Clearly, you must do 3 things:
- Kill the parasite and all its stages.
- Stop letting isopropyl alcohol into your body.
- Flush out the metals, common toxins, and bacteria from
your body so you can get well.
We have been taught to believe that every parasite is so
unique that a different drug is required to kill each one. The
better drugs, such as PraziquantelTM and LevamisoleTM or even
FlagylTM and PiperazineTM, can each kill several worm varie-
ties. But this is just not practical when dozens of different para-
sites are present. We have dozens of different parasites in us! It
would be best to kill them all together even though only the in-
testinal fluke is causing cancer.
Look at the case histories. It is not unusual for someone to
have a dozen (or more) parasites out of the 120 parasites I have
samples of (they are listed in The Tests). You can assume that
you, too, have a dozen different parasites. We are heavily para-
sitized beings! Our bodies are large enough to provide food and
shelter for lots of these free loaders. If they were settled on the
outside where we could see them, like lice or ticks, we would
rid ourselves in a flash. Nothing is more distasteful to the
imagination than hordes of biting, chewing, crawling, sucking
creatures on our flesh. But what about IN our flesh? We cannot
see inside ourselves, so we mistakenly assume that nothing is
Herbal Parasite Remedies
The Native American peoples knew that humans are parasi-
tized. Other native peoples from the Arctic to Antarctic knew