Are there any substitutes for the black walnut hull, cloves or
wormwood? I believe there must be dozens of plants that could
kill the intestinal fluke.
While you are waiting for herbs, why not try all the vita-
mins and herbs that are presently available to you and that have
been traditionally used to treat cancer? They may work by kill-
ing fluke stages, or have other value. Some of these are:
- Red clover blossoms^12 (2 capsules, 3 times a day)
- Pau D'Arco (2 capsules, 3 times a day)
- Vitamin C (10 or more grams per day)
- Laetrile (as directed by source)
- Grapes and grape juice (home-juiced, no meat in the diet)
- Echinacea (2 capsules, 3 times a day)
- Metabolic enzymes, take as directed
- The macrobiotic diet
Then, as soon as your herbs arrive, you can stop these. Or
you may wish to continue them as well.^13
(^12) Red clover blossoms contain an inhibitor of ortho-phospho-
tyrosine formation, called genisteine or biochanin A. See the Merck
Index 10th ed., p. 626.
(^13) An excellent book listing alternative therapies is Cancer Ther-
apy, The Independent Consumer's Guide To Non-Toxic Treatment &
Prevention, Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., Equinox Press, NY 1992.