The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


To summarize:
What you'll need for killing ALL your parasites, including
tough ones, and mopping up after them:

  1. Black walnut tincture, an alcohol extract of the green hull
    (for alcoholics, a water recipe is given).

  2. Wormwood, in capsules.

  3. Cloves, fresh ground, together with size 00 empty capsules.

  4. Zapper.

  5. Ozonator, to ozonate olive oil.

  6. L-cysteine.

Optional: ornithine, arginine.

Parasites Gone, Isopropyl Alcohol


Now that you have killed the intestinal fluke and cured your
cancer, what's next? Two tasks remain:

  1. Stop getting isopropyl alcohol into your body.

  2. Get rid of the heavy metals and common toxins in your
    body, diet and home. (This is covered in Part Two: Get-
    ting Well Again.) This will heal the damaged tissues and
    start your tumors shrinking.

Isopropyl alcohol is the antiseptic commonly used in
cosmetics. Check all your cosmetics for the word “propanol” or
“isopropanol” on the label. It is usually put on the label, since it

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