The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


tsp. dose is effective) immediately eliminates patulin in the
Now the tumors can shrink. But the forces favoring growth
may still be stronger.
What else is making them grow? Cobalt, vanadium, malonic
acid, several bacteria varieties, and assorted carcinogens.

What Does Cobalt do?
Very little is known about cobalt toxicity. It was even given
as medication in the past, for anemia. But the treatment was
worse than the disease. Inorganic cobalt blocked oxygen utili-
zation so that the body was fooled into believing it was at the
top of a tall mountain, where the air is very thin (poor in oxy-
gen). The body’s adaptation to altitude is to make more red
blood cells. This appeared to cure the anemia by making more
red blood cells. But blocking oxygen utilization has the same
effect as being anemic, so nothing was gained.
Long ago numerous scientists discovered an important fact.
Any lowering of oxygen use by an organ favored tumor forma-
tion in that tissue. A steady trickle of cobalt to your tumor could
be expected to support tumor growth.
Another toxic effect of inorganic cobalt is in the liver where
the two main blood proteins are made: albumin and globulin.
These two must be carefully regulated since they control the
osmotic pressure in the blood vessels. They must add up to
about 7 gm/dl. The total may get much too high, such as 10
gm/dl in multiple myeloma, or much too low (below 6) when
terminal illness has progressed. Cobalt raises the albumin too
high and keeps globulin levels too low. These derangements
can be seen on a standard blood test.
The toxicity of cobalt to the heart has been known for dec-
ades; it was made illegal in nearly all uses then. But gradually it
has reappeared in more and more products. By allowing it in

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