The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


dish detergent and laundry detergent we now get a steady dose
of it as a residue on our dishes and from our clothing which
constantly massages cobalt into our skin.

A ridiculously obvious and preventable source of cobalt is
metal tooth fillings. But by replacing the metal with plastic, we
have frequently not removed the cobalt! It is usually present,
either as a component or contaminant of the plastic restoration.
When both metal and plastics are meticulously removed, blood
albumin and globulin levels correct themselves—often in just
three days! And a life-threatening situation is turned around to

What does Vanadium Do?
Vanadium, like cobalt, causes the red blood cell count to go
up—much too high. In fact, polycythemia (a rare “blood dis-
ease”) is primarily vanadium toxicity. How this happens is un-
known. But when the red blood cell count is over 4.7, for men
or women, the Syncrometer always detects cobalt or vanadium

“Non-chemical” laundry devices actually spew surface tension
reducers into the water, including cobalt containing chemicals.
Fig. 21 Laundry discs and spheres
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