in the bone marrow. Vanadium is asserting its toxicity in other
organs, too; in the liver, and in the tumorous organ.
In the liver, vanadium toxicity has the opposite effect of co-
balt toxicity. Now the albumin production is too low, while
globulin goes too high.^19 Since globulin is less effective than
albumin as an osmotic water attractant, water is allowed to
leave the circulation and simply seep into the surrounding tis-
sue. It is called edema and becomes a fatal condition.
Vanadium is also the cause of the frequent mutations seen
in tumors—in the p53 gene. It does this by combining with nu-
cleic acid to make vanadyl complexes. A healthy p53 gene is
necessary for the gene’s tumor suppresser action, which is to
produce a substance that prevents tumors from forming.^20 By
removing vanadium from your dentalware (both metal and
plastic), the vanadyl complexes disappear and p53 gene muta-
tions disappear, too.
Then how could a patient without any tooth fillings develop
tumors? We have seen many children with cancers whose den-
tition was intact. But their tumors were filled with vanadyl
complexes! And as the disease became terminal the additional
toxic effects of vanadium were easily spotted: much too low
albumin and high globulin, and an exceptionally high red blood
cell count.
The children’s vanadium came from 1) chronic exposure to
car exhaust (a source that constantly invaded their home), 2) a
household gas leak, or 3) leaking refrigerant (I suspect fossil
(^19) One might expect that having both toxins would cancel the
toxicity. Indeed, the blood proteins are often in normal range for can-
cer patients, the problem being masked by this dual toxicity. But in
other ways they do not cancel their toxicity, and each takes its toll on
your health.
(^20) Sharon Begley, The Cancer Killer, Newsweek, Dec. 23, 1996,
pp. 42-47. Hollstein, M., et al, p53 Mutations in Human Cancers, Sci-
ence, vol. 253, July 5, 1991, pp. 49-53.