Vanquish Tumor Causing Bacteria
The Clostridium family can be stopped in the digestive tract
by taking betaine hydrochloride (see Sources). 1500 mg a day
is an average dose. Of course a dental source will recolonize the
digestive tract, so you must stay on this daily dose for protec-
tion until the dental source has been removed (see Dental
Clean-up, page 73). This will also clear up Staphylococcus.
The Shigellas, Salmonellas, and E. coli can be cleared up
with the bowel program (page 591). To prevent reinfection, ob-
serve safe dairy rules (page 137).
How Benign Tumors Turn Fatal
Tumor growth is a grand conspiracy between parasites,
bacteria, fungi, copper, cobalt, vanadium, malonic acid, and
assorted carcinogens! Yet the human body is big and strong.
There are many mechanisms within our immune systems to
fight these intruders. But if the tumor enlarges or new ones
arise, we know these mechanisms are failing. We should be
coming to our body’s assistance rather than shrugging it off as
“merely benign.”
At some time, the benign little mass may become malignant.
This means that I observe ortho-phospho-tyrosine is present.
Plus I always observe multiplying Fasciolopsis stages as well
as isopropyl alcohol now. Did the Fasciolopsis stages suddenly
discover the tumor the way a hermit crab discovers an unused
My detection of growth factors in tumors and even the pres-
ence of a few fluke stages there suggests we should be much
more concerned about them. Perhaps the distinction between
benign and malignant tumors is deluding. Like the distinction
between a loaded and unloaded gun. When ammunition is
available, no gun should be ignored.