We should really view tumor formation, or tumorigenesis,
with the same caution as cancer, even though it is slow at first.
It could begin to accelerate, doing more and more harm. Yet the
body has coped with tumorigenesis a very long time, from the
beginning of humanity, as evidenced by our body’s ability to
produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF), tumor suppresser genes,
and to repair mutations. What has gone wrong in the last cen-
tury to permit such a flurry of tumors and cancers?
Even though tumor growth is ancient, perhaps malignancy
is a recent phenomenon. Perhaps this past century has produced
the overload of heavy metals, solvents, and globetrotting para-
sites required to spark this epidemic.
Yet knowing what starts our tumors gives us the power to
stop them, whether benign or malignant.
Preventing Tumors Will Prevent Cancer
Tumors are complex structures, which appear to be asso-
ciated with fungi, metals, bacteria, tapeworms, Ascaris and
toxins. Being complex, you would think they would be fragile,
and removing just one building block would topple them. But
the opposite is true: together they form a highly durable oppo-
nent for your immune system. The best way to beat tumors is
not allowing them to start.