The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Certainly, the tiny baby stages (miracidia) get into your blood
and travel everywhere in your body. They land, become redia,
and reproduce into thousands more. They finally turn into cer-
caria, metacercaria, and finally adults.

  • Adults in your liver, if you have isopropyl alcohol in it,
    causing cancer!

  • Adults in your pancreas, if you have wood alcohol in it,
    causing diabetes!

  • Adults in your thymus, if you have benzene in it causing


  • Adults in your brain, if you have toluene or xylene in it,
    causing Alzheimer's disease!

  • Adults in your kidneys (Hodgkin's disease), uterus
    (endometriosis) or prostate (chronic prostatitis) if you
    have other solvents there!

  • Adults in your skin if you have Kaposi's sarcoma.

I had to mention these diseases even though this book is just
about cancer because you should know what a scourge this
parasite is, and how deadly it is to have both the intestinal fluke
and solvents. In every case (100%) of these diseases that I have
seen, both have been present.

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