The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


bestos, pets, Freon, copper, chemicals, and fragrance all at once
(tell the maid not to spray for bugs, nor use air fresheners). If
you get better while on vacation, stay on vacation. Never come
back to your tumor-causing house.

Healing In General
What about other cancer types? Most of the healing tactics
for lung cancer apply to other types as well. But for each differ-
ent organ affected you should focus on its special needs. For
skin cancer, you would focus on laundry, soap, lotions and ul-
traviolet light. Clothing rubs into skin constantly and always
has detergent residue in it. Soap and lotions are chemical soups
with isopropyl alcohol antiseptic. There are simple replace-
ments for all of these given in the Recipes chapter.
Getting well after any cancer depends on cleaning foreign
things out of your body so it CAN heal. You have already re-
moved all the parasites from your body and the isopropyl alco-
hol. That was critical, but don't stop there if you want to get
your health back. I have seen people get well whose doctors
told them they had only 10% of their lung, or liver, or kidney
still functioning!

You can get all your health back from any kind
of cancer by removing unnatural chemicals.

  1. Remove all unnatural chemicals from your mouth.

  2. Remove all unnatural chemicals from your diet.

  3. Remove all unnatural chemicals from your body.

  4. Remove all unnatural chemicals from your home.

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