In addition to the effective hemostasis and the change in the char-
acter of the clot, the author reported a reduction of swelling of
traumatized gingival tissues and diminution of the postoperative
Don’t use household bleach because it is not safe for inter-
nal use! Obtain food grade (USP) bleach from Sources. Pur-
chase the same strength (5%, not stronger) as regular household
bleach so you can handle it safely. If bleach is not available
bring Lugol’s iodine solution or a colloidal silver solution with
you to the office.
Bleach (5%) is very caustic.
You must not use it at full strength.
You must dilute it. Follow the recipe on page 547 exactly.
We will name your new, diluted bleach, Dental Bleach.
Take a half cup of Dental Bleach with you in a convenient jar.
Rinse your mouth with it before you sit down in the dental
chair. Never swallow it! Hold the jar in your lap. Later, when
the dentist signals you to rinse your mouth, use your solution
again. Also rinse one last time before leaving the office. The
dentist will appreciate this extra care because she/he is less
likely to see post-dental infection in you.
Second best would be Lugol’s iodine solution (six drops of
actual Lugol’s iodine in a half cup of water). Use up the entire
amount before leaving the dental office.
Third best is colloidal silver. Make your own colloidal silver
solution since the commercially available ones I tested had the
familiar pollutants associated with antiseptics. The same in-
structions apply to colloidal silver; use ½ cup.
As soon as the extractions are completed the sockets left be-
hind must be cleaned by the surgeon to remove bits of adhering
(^62) Block, Seymour S., Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation, 3rd Ed., Lea &
Febiger, 1983, p. 178.