Antibiotics cannot stop tooth decay. They do not reach the
crevices in teeth because there is no blood circulation there. For
the same reason, antibiotics do not reach cavitations.
Antibiotics are merely an adjunct to good Dental Aftercare.
So a very vigorous program is needed to clear up infection even
after the infected teeth are pulled because deep wounds such as
the base of the socket where the bacteria used to be is precisely
the preferred location for more Clostridia. They refuse to leave.
Just removing the tooth does not automatically clear up an ab-
scess that was at the tip of a root. Other bacteria may leave but
not Clostridium. Even cleaning the socket thoroughly may re-
move Staphylococcus but does not remove Clostridium bacteria.
This Dental Aftercare program is successful in killing Clos-
tridium. You will need:
- a water pick
- hot water, towels
- empty syringe (barrel only, purchase at pharmacy)
- pure salt or sterilized salt water
- Dental Bleach
Acquire these before your dental appointment. Practice us-
ing the water pick. Practice using the syringe to squirt water (do
not attach needle).
The immune power of your arterial blood is much greater
than in your veins. How can you bring arterial blood into the
jaw area to heal it faster after dental work? Simply by hot-
packing it from the start!
The first day of dental work is critical.
If you miss this, a massive spread of infection can occur be-
cause the mouth is always a “den of bacteria”, and your own
tooth infection is itself the source.