Dental Day Two
The next day you need to be well-fed, yet eat no solids, nor
liquids with particles in them. The particles easily lodge in your
wound. Your choices are:
- Chicken broth, filtered.
- Herb teas, sweetened, filtered.
- Fruit juice, using undyed, pesticide-free fruit, filtered.
- Vegetable juice, filtered (including raw beet juice).
- Puddings made of cornstarch or flour.
- Complete “feed” (see page 535).
Filter through a coffee filter placed in a strainer. These liq-
uid foods must also be sterilized before drinking (see Recipes).
Immediately after eating, rinse your mouth with a cup of
very hot water to which you have added ¼ tsp. salt. Fill syringe
with hot salt water and squirt each extraction site several times.
Do not be afraid to start some bleeding; this could be expected
and is even desirable if an infection has already started; bleed-
ing washes bacteria outward. Water squirting and swishing
never dislodges the healing clot. Only strong suction or infec-
tion dislodges it. If pain increases instead of decreases on the
second day, you are already infected. Continue swishing and hot
packing for one hour. Devote the whole day to fighting infec-
tion. If the pain subsides, the infection has been cleared. If not,
you will need a more forceful stream of water. Begin using the
water pick at its lowest speed setting. Water pick repeatedly un-
til it clears. (It could take four hours!)
Hot pack the outside of your face just as on the first day. If
pain is subsiding on the second day, you are being successful.
But the gums are not healed; you cannot take chances yet on
eating food. Nearly all infections come from eating solid food
on the second day.
Floss the front teeth with homemade floss being extra gen-
tle. For floss, cut strips of plastic shopping bags ½ inch by 4
inches. Regular floss and toothbrush are too harsh for the