dyes, and other toxins that were seeping from your fillings. Be-
fore this you killed Ascaris, tapeworm larvae, and rabbit fluke.
The next step is to remove these same pathogens and pollutants
from your diet and environment. And the final step is to drain
them from your tumors so the tumors collapse and dissolve.
You might be wondering how much it will cost for this very
specialized dental clean-up. Although the dental work may
seem straightforward (extractions and filling removal being
very common procedures) the way you need them done is not at
all common. Using homemade antiseptics, requesting cavitation
cleaning and tattoo removal, and finding a dentist with digital
X-ray equipment are all non-traditional. In Mexico, in 1999 the
rate, including the cleanups, was about $80.00 per extracted
How To Make A Million Dollars In
Your Spare Time, At Home: Sue!
Pollution problems should be solved by people themselves,
not industry or government; the responsibility is too great.
Family health is at stake. Only people’s groups would not be
influenced by other priorities. What I am suggesting is that peo-
ple form their own groups, find labs willing to do analysis of
dental supplies, form collaborations with dentists willing to use
tested materials, and follow-up on the job done with analysis of
saliva (also by lab testing).
I was joking about making a million dollars, but maybe su-
ing the American Dental Association is the last resort solution it
takes to bring the problem to the attention of the American Peo-
ple, and provoke change.
That is another reason for saving what was removed from
your mouth (besides curiosity). Any extracted teeth with fillings
could be analyzed. They could be set to soak in water overnight
and the water analyzed for seeped ingredients. These ingredients
were seeping into you. The real object is not to point out