Only Syncrometer biochemistry, which is electronic, has the
speed and accuracy to allow a return to the fundamental ques-
tions that were already asked one hundred years ago: What is
different about tumors? What is unique about them? What do
they have in common? Is the problem chemical, biological, or a
matter of physics? The answers to these questions would surely
lead to tumor prevention and cure. Now that Syncrometer tech-
nology has arrived, the involvement of malonic acid is clearly
seen. To understand the role of malonic acid and the harm that it
does, we must understand the basics of metabolism.
Your Metabolism
We get energy from food we eat by oxidizing it. This is the
same way we get energy from fuel; we call it “burning.” Burn-
ing fuel uses up oxygen and releases energy in the form of heat;
it happens quickly, in a burst; we try to slow it down by con-
trolling the draft in order to be less wasteful. Living cells burn
food very, very slowly, controlled by enzymes, so that heat
trickles out very slowly too (to
keep us warm) and most of the
energy can be saved as stand-
by fuel—called ATP.
Getting energy from a food
molecule means that an elec-
tron has been taken away from
it; a nearby oxygen atom will
soon grab it up. Intense heat
causes this to happen in the
case of burning fuel. But in a
living cell enzymes cause
electrons to be pulled away.
The first part of food me-
tabolism in our cells is called glycolysis. Several enzymes ap-
proach a molecule of food, such as glucose (sugar), removing its
electrons and finally snipping it in half. Removing electrons is
Fig. 23 Glycolysis, the first part of food metabolism
glucose 2 pyruvates