formed. In addition each electron, along with its partner hydro-
gen, will combine with oxygen to make water, H 2 O.
Meanwhile the path taken by electrons will be carefully su-
pervised. It is called the “electron chain,” the links of which op-
erate with familiar molecules known as vitamins much like a
hot-potato game. More on this later.
Very tiny chemical steps must be taken to get the most en-
ergy out of the food. That is the secret of energy conservation
and that is why the Krebs cycle has so many “intermediates”
and corresponding links to the electron chain.
Now the pyruvate molecule is completely oxidized to CO 2
and H 2 O and a great deal of energy is produced in the form of
ATP to be used later; although a tiny bit is let out now for im-
mediate use. The second part of our food metabolism, the Krebs
cycle, produces much more energy than the first part, glycolysis.
It provides the “lion’s share” of our energy.
The primitive part, glycolysis, may date back to the time be-
fore the earth had oxygen. Lots of bacteria, such as Clostridium ,
and some lower animals can survive quite well on glycolysis
alone. Yeast is another example; when we want it to grow we
give it sugar and cover it, to keep out oxygen.
The primitive and advanced parts of food metabolism to-
gether are called respiration. It is the reason we breath (respire);
we must take in the necessary oxygen for the Krebs cycle. Many
of the enzymes involved in respiration need to be attached —not
loose in the cytoplasm (water portion) of our cells. These sta-
tionary enzymes are housed in special factories, the mitochon-
dria, which have many shelf-like surfaces inside for enzyme at-
Malonic Acid
When our cells are accidentally fed the respiration inhibitor
(poison) malonic acid , they mistake it for succinic acid because
the molecules are “look-alikes.” But, of course, the enzyme that
is trying to pull away one of its electrons is rudely surprised.