◊ Malonate induces ketonemia.
◊ Malonate reduces oxygen uptake. Coenzyme Q10 is re-
quired to make ATP.
◊ Malonate raises cholesterol.
◊ D-malic acid complexes with malic dehydrogenase and
NADH, but is enzymatically inactive.
◊ Maleic acid is competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydro-
◊ Synergism between rotenone and malonate occurs in
◊ Malonate causes oxidation of NADH and cytochromes.
◊ Rats can convert malonate to acetate in the presence of
malonyl Co A.
◊ Malonate reduces survival of infected animals.
◊ Malonate fed to dogs is recovered as methyl malonate in
◊ Malonate can pick up an amino group from glutamine.
◊ Hemolysis of red blood cells may be caused by malonyl
dialdehyde (MDA), a derivative of malonic acid.
◊ Malonate catalyses renal glutaminase; with less glu-
tamine uric acid levels fall.
◊ Malic acid (apple juice) is the best antidote to malonic
acid. (But commercial sources contain patulin which de-
pletes cellular glutathione.)
◊ Malonic acid is present in urine.
◊ Malonate depresses the reduction of GSSG to glu-
◊ Malonate inhibits protoporphyrin formation 32%.
◊ Malonate inhibits insulin stimulation of muscle respira-
◊ Malonate inhibits acetylcholine synthesis.
◊ Mycobacterium phlei respiration is stimulated by ma-
lonate. (All schizophrenia cases I see test positive to this
bacterium in the brain!)
◊ Malonate is put into soy sauce in Japan.
◊ Malonate stimulates Entamoeba histolytica growth.
◊ Malonate inhibits phosphate entry into cells.
◊ Potassium transport into cells is inhibited by malonate.
◊ Malonate causes systemic acidosis.
◊ Calcium and iron transport by rat duodenum is severely
reduced by malonate.
◊ Malonate inhibits pyruvate oxidation.