As pervasive as malonate is, you may have already removed
it all. You have killed tapeworms, removed dental plastic, and
are in the process of excluding it from your diet.
Some Expected Benefits
The most surprising benefit from the malonate-free diet and
malonate-free mouth is stopping the production of effusates.
Effusates are caused by seepage of body fluid into places where
it does not belong. The lung is a favorite tissue for “water ac-
cumulation” of this type, but the abdomen is another common
site. Legs, groin, lower abdomen are less common sites.
The actual culprit is maleic anhydride a substance that is
formed from malonic acid in your body. It could also be formed
from maleic acid trickling from plastic teeth! This may seem to
be a small source, but when all of it travels to your tumor, and
none gets excreted, it amounts to a great deal of damage, similar
to a water drip—just one drop—dripping on your floor day and
night, on the same spot.
Maleic anhydride as a cause of tissue edema has been
known a very long time, but only when inhaled.^67 It was never
guessed that cancer sufferers with effusions actually had this
chemical in them. Effusates are life-threatening for a cancer pa-
tient. The effusion stops the day after all malonate-related
chemicals are gone. Small effusates can often be reabsorbed but
large ones must be drained. It may be your last drainage! When
an effusate is not drained bacteria find these fluids. And the
pressure of this fluid against heart and lungs, against liver and
intestine, or against lymph nodes in the groin can produce se-
vere pain and breathlessness. If you “fill up” again, you are still
getting malonic acid!
Another surprising benefit of removing all malonate from
your body is improved kidney function. Methyl malonate is a
serious kidney toxin. Stopping use of malonic acid foods and
getting every vestige of plastic out of your mouth can start your
(^67) The Merck Index, 10th Ed., Merck & Co., Inc., p. 814.