are everywhere. After food is dried, pickled, spiced, smoked or
treated with chemicals, any moldy flavor is covered.
We have seen how easily the advanced cancer patient is
overwhelmed by a few bacteria in dairy foods or raw foods. We
must prevent fungus invasion, too. Fungus growth is always
seen at a tumor site. Fungus makes very toxic mycotoxins right
there on site. The three I have studied are aflatoxin , patulin , and
Aflatoxin is a powerful mutagen, very much studied by sci-
entists. It is present on nuts and grains. By baking your own
bread and avoiding all nuts (except coconut), you can avoid it.
Soaking nuts or grains in Dental Bleach or HCl detoxifies it and
it may then be rinsed off.
If your blood test shows that the total bilirubin is at the top
of its range, you are already suffering some aflatoxin damage to
the liver. White bread fresh from a bakery never had aflatoxin in
my tests. (But the bottom of loaves from a bakery must now be
trimmed ¼ inch [½ cm] to get rid of synthetic, petroleum-based
grease with silicone [!] used to coat the bread pan). Aflatoxin is
(^83) Novi, A.M., Regression of Aflatoxin B1-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinomas by
Reduced Glutathione, Science, v. 212, May 1981, pp. 541-42.
a. b.
(a) Enlarged tumor-filled liver of rats fed aflatoxin. (Drawn from
photo^83 .) (b) The liver returns toward normal after giving glutathione
(100mg/day). But this is equivalent to 25 gm/day for a human!