Your own home brought you cancer! Any place else will be
safer. The easiest and fastest way to make a complete environ-
ment change is to leave home.
The pets brought you Ascaris worms; Ascaris eggs are in the
carpet. The carpet must be sterilized, or removed. The bedroom
carpet is most important, because you breathe the polluted dust
for one third of the time! Throw rugs and bed blankets can be
dry cleaned. Laundering does not kill Ascaris eggs. If pets have
been on the bed, throw away the mattress.
The water pipes brought you copper. The refrigerator
brought you freon. Freon is known to enhance the mutagenic
action of PAHs.^91 New furniture and bedding brought you for-
maldehyde. The laundry room, besides food, brought you as-
bestos. Gas fixtures, besides plastic teeth, brought you vana-
dium. Concern for ants and roaches brought you arsenic-
containing pesticides.
If you are the caregiver, take your precious patient anywhere
but home. Even a hospital is safer, if it weren’t for the treat-
ments given.
Find a motel with plastic water pipes, ask for a non-smoking
room and move in for one month. If you are better after one
month, stay another month. Stay until your toxic home has been
cleaned up. Choose a ground floor room for convenience. Heat-
ers must be electric. Do not use the air conditioner. Sit outside
as much as weather allows. Remove the linens and bring your
own borax-washed replacements or immediately take motel lin-
ens out to launder in borax and bleach. Rent a small, non-freon
refrigerator for your room, available at office supply stores.
Bring home-cooked food to the motel. Take copper-free water
from the motel to do cooking. The motel is your temporary spa.
If friends and family do the shopping, you can do the cooking.
(^91) Mahurin, R.G., Bernstein, R.L., Fluorocarbon-enhanced Mutagenesis of
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Environ. Res., v. 45, no. 1, 1988, pp. 101-07.