Do not accept offers of cooked or prepared food. You must see
the food being sterilized and know what is in it. Only a weight
gain is a sure sign of success with cancer. Until you have gained
ten pounds you cannot be sure that you are on the road to health.
Weight gain is the mysterious indicator that all is well with the
body. Use scales twice a week. (If you are overweight, consider
yourself lucky—do not lose a single pound.)
When searching for the safest haven, also emphasize lino-
leum floors, no gas heaters, no wall paper or paneling, no re-
frigerator (except your new one), and no recent paint (fumes
have vanadium). Do your own housekeeping with borax. Dust-
ing with plain water. Bathroom fixtures are sterilized with ethyl
alcohol (the 750 ml or 1 liter size bottle only). The toilet is ster-
ilized with regular bleach by someone else while you are out of
the room. No pesticide is used. Arrange this with the motel be-
No visitors may smoke. And no pets may visit. Keep extra
warm: wear socks, long pants, long sleeves, and turtleneck top
until your body temperature is normal, above 98.5. Take your
temperature in the morning, upon waking, several times a week.
Take showers and shampoos at bedtime to conserve body heat.
Your home should be made ready while you are in the motel
“spa.” It should be completely overhauled.
- Bedroom carpet pulled up, floor cleaned, throw rugs pur-
chased (washed first). Don’t put down a fresh coat of
paint or polyurethane. - Pets given away.
- Plastic water pipe run to the kitchen, bathroom, laundry
facility. (A temporary line can be hooked up at an exte-
rior valve). You may check into plastic-coating of metal
pipes (Sources). - No hair dryers used.
- Clothes dryer covered with large plastic bag to put it out
of use. Use a Laundromat. - Refrigerator changed to non-freon variety.
- Gas appliances changed to electric.