- Dishwasher and laundry routines changed to borax and
white vinegar. - Chemicals removed from bedroom, basement and
kitchen. - All body care items replaced with homemade substitutes.
(See Recipes.) - Read The Cure For All Cancers for more suggestions.
If all this seems needless and excessive to your family, you
must stay at the safe motel. But if your family did the job so you
can return home, give them a big hug and thank you!
Personal Products
Although they are not part of your home, clothing and body
products are part of your surroundings, too. They will be
sources for cancer-specific toxins until you correct them.
All clothing, even whites, have dyes stuck to them that are
eagerly absorbed by your body. Washing them in borax removes
most dyes, but not DAB or Sudan Black B. These are the very
toxins that spell ultimate doom for the cancer patient by raising
alkaline phosphatase, and LDH. Clothing constantly rubs these
two toxins into our skin, day and night. Our skin fat absorbs
them. The liver, in its constant vigilance over toxins, pulls them
inward for detoxification in its microsomes. When it can’t keep
up with the barrage from food, hair dye, and clothing, they
begin to accumulate in other organs, causing more and more
Chlorine bleach, even though it is itself polluted with these
dyes, can remove them from your clothing.
As soon as you read this, wash all your clothing, including
wig, turbans, hats, shoes, jackets, bedding, and towels. Use ½
cup bleach per washer-load of whites, like sheets, jackets, un-
derwear, socks, shoes, scarves, outerwear. Everything else, like
colored clothing, silk, leather, rayon, can be given ¼ cup bleach
per cold washer-load. Don’t mix white and colored items.