RNAse Inhibitors (remove RNAse)
- coconut oil • shark cartilage
- chicken broth • raw red beets
Immune Stimulants (remove immune blocks)
- hydrangea root • papain
- a very weak magnet • bromelain
- methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM)
Tumor Digesters.....................................................................
- pancreatin • lipase
- prepared horseradish (peroxidase and catalase)
- essential amino acids • hydrochloric acid
- non -essential amino acids • inositol phosphate
- high strength magnet • EDTA
- oregano oil • vitamin D 3
- wintergreen oil, crude (not distilled or synthetic)
The supplements are numerous and the tumor-ridden body
has no appetite for even the best of real food, let alone supple-
ments. But you must find a way to conquer your own resistance:
it is essential for survival. Although many of the supplements
are available as injectables, bypassing the need to eat them, this
is not advised. Intravenous solutions and injectables are often
contaminated with bacteria or polluted with solvents, heavy
metals and dyes. They are not worth the risk unless there are
only days remaining for you or the blood test shows clinical
failure of some vital organ.