
(pavlina) #1

Additional Supplements Used For Special Purposes

Bloating and Gassiness

This is caused by food bacteria, E. coli, Shigella , and Sal-
monella. Take:

  • turmeric, six capsules, (one teaspoon), three times a day.

  • fennel, six capsules, (one teaspoon), three times a day.
    These herbs can be purchased in bulk. Mix with water and a
    little vinegar or water and a little honey to make a cocktail.

  • Lugol’s iodine 6 drops in ½ glass water taken after meals
    and bedtime. Not if allergic to iodine.
    If there is no relief in 24 hours, you are continuing to rein-
    fect from food.

Intestinal Blockage or Bleeding

  • Moose elm (also called slippery elm), one to two table-
    spoons a day, made into “cocoa” (see Recipes).

  • Sodium alginate, two teaspoons powder a day added to
    one pint boiling water (see Recipes) or simply blended in
    cold water.
    These two can heal the intestinal wall where tumorous
    growths have caused bleeding, ulceration and pain. They may
    be combined with any food or each other. Use both.


  • Chinese Herb, Yunnan paiyao, (see Sources) ¼ teaspoon,
    three times a day, up to one teaspoon, three times a day,
    if bleeding is severe. This is outstanding in effectiveness
    for chronic bleeding, but not to be solely relied on for

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