reduce enough ferric to ferrous iron to correct the anemia and
save the day.
Lanthanide metals block the availability of iron even when
large stock-piles of iron exist. I believe the lanthanides simply
stick to them magnetically since the Syncrometer detects them
in the same place and both are removed together by wearing a
weak magnet.
A lot can go wrong with iron! And it’s not over yet. Even if
you fix all the problems mentioned so far, iron may still be se-
cretly stolen by a silent chelator of iron: 1,10-phenanthroline.
This is a very large molecule, similar to other PAHs that are
made by Ascaris. Phenanthroline travels throughout the body
attracting iron to itself, which turns it into ferroin. The Syn-
crometer detects ferroin and 1,10-phenanthroline whenever As-
caris is present—even as far away as the bone marrow!
And considering that 1,10-phenanthroline is powerful
enough to suck the iron right out of the center of enzyme mole-
cules, it can probably suck up our “good” copper the same way.
Double harm is being done. Simply killing Ascaris gets rid of
the ferroin and phenanthroline.
With parasites and other toxins gone, the iron level promptly
rises and may reach forty from a value below 35 in the first five
days, getting to a more normal level of 50 to 60 in three weeks.
The moral of the story is: chances are you have plenty of
iron already so you should only take an iron supplement in a life
threatening situation. Excess iron could be dangerous.
The low iron level in cancer has been known a very long
time and is referred to as “anemia of chronic disease,” which
includes “anemia of malignancy.” I find the same things that
cause cancer cause anemia, namely parasites, dyes, and toxic
metals. It is, more accurately, “anemia from Ascaris, Clostrid-
ium , copper, germanium, lanthanide and asbestos toxicity.” It is
the unavailability of iron in the midst of plenty (of iron) that
strangles the cancer patient’s metabolism and ultimately causes
fatality in roughly half the failing cases I see, not the tumors
themselves. Fortunately when you clean up the causes of cancer,
you automatically clean up the causes of this anemia.