Cancer sufferers have to be especially careful about taking
iron supplements because some research indicates inorganic
iron (including ferrous gluconate) promotes tumor growth. Yet,
as stated already, exceptions to this rule exist, and when the
blood level falls below 20 while at the same time the RBC is
below 3.5, we supply it as ferrous gluconate, 33 mg (one a day
for only 5 days).
All anemic persons should:
- Kill clostridium bacteria to restore purines, including xan-
thine, so xanthine oxidase can be made again, restoring
transferrin. - Restore lactoferrin by drinking raw milk (which you steril-
ize) or eating bone marrow. - Never drink water from copper plumbing; remove metal
dental materials from your mouth. - Use safe sweeteners. Sugar has asbestos which damages fer-
ritin. - Take MSM to reduce ferric iron into good ferrous iron.
- Kill Ascaris to eliminate 1,10-phenanthroline which robs
As you can see, iron has a very complex story. It’s like a
million dollars. You need an armored truck (transferrin and
lactoferrin) to get it to the bank safely. The truck must be run-
ning well (not malfunctioning due to clostridium using up all
the xanthine). Once in the bank vault (ferritin), you must keep
safecrackers (asbestos) away. If a customer withdraws some
cash, your teller must not rip (oxidize) the bills, otherwise they
are no good (ferric iron). When that happens, the teller should
fix them with tape (reducers) so they are usable again (ferrous
iron). Once out of the bank, the customer must protect his
money from pickpockets (like 1,10-phenanthroline). Then the
money can be spent wisely (on hemoglobin to carry oxygen in
your bloodstream)! Cancer sufferers are especially prone to iron