thefts because the same high “crime” neighborhood that makes
tumors also causes anemia. Fortunately they both clean up to-
gether, too.
All insomnia I have seen is due to bacteria in the brain. The
supplements given here do not correct the problem (only killing
bacteria at their source does), they only give relief. Make sure
you are correcting the problem at the same time as getting relief.
Do not take vitamins or supplements at bedtime (except
Lugol’s, calcium, magnesium) because they tend to energize
you. A hot shower is helpful, too, as is chamomile tea.
- Ornithine 500 mg, take six or eight for a strong effect.
- Melatonin 2 mg, take two for a strong effect.
They may be taken together.
In the lymphomas, butyrates are absent in the lymph nodes.
They represent the oil of butter. They are present in healthy
people. It is known that the enzyme, tributyrinase, is very low
(10%) after feeding the azo dye DAB.^93 This could account for
low levels of butyrate. The Syncrometer detects the absence of
butyrates in the lymph nodes if toxic germanium is present or
isopropyl compounds (isopropylidene nucleic acids) are present.
This suggests that the absence of good germanium allows iso-
propyl-caused mutations to occur preferentially at a butyrate-
related gene such as the tributyrinase enzyme. Giving a supple-
(^93) Langemann, H., Kensler, C.J., Cholinesterase and Tributyrinase Activity of Rat
Liver and Rat Liver Tumors, Canc. Res., v. 11, 1951, p. 265.