lung cancer when formaldehyde has been one of the toxins in
the home.
Crank The Krebs Cycle
Pantothenic acid , or pantothenate, is another sulfur com-
pound. It is used by the body to make coenzyme A. Without co-
enzyme A many links to the Krebs cycle are missing. Coen-
zyme A is regularly missing in tumors, according to the Syn-
crometer. It is probably being siphoned off as malonyl CoA,
oxidized by phenol to a useless oxidation product, or disabled
by cobalt toxicity. To make more coenzyme A–much more–
pantothenate is given in teaspoon doses.
Coenzyme Q10 and thioctic acid are part of the oxidation
chain (respiration) in our cells. This means they can accept an
electron that has been pulled away from a food molecule, hold it
for a moment and pass it to another molecule willing to accept
it. The electron is being passed along like a hot potato and with
each change of hands, more energy is released to our advantage.
A large dose of Q10 (three to four grams) can also kill tape-
worm stages and detoxify dyes! When dyes have accumulated
in our fatty tissues such as the skin, it must be taken in a large
dose daily.
Biotin is a factor needed to make certain enzymes work. It
is necessary to make fat and to use stored fat. It is missing in
tumorous organs. It must be taken in large amounts before it
becomes detectable here by the Syncrometer, though it is pres-
ent in all other organs. By large amounts I mean several milli-
grams (mg), whereas most biotin supplements are in micro -
grams (mcg, which is one thousandth of a mg).
Niacin and Niacinamide. Both forms can be used by the
body to make the NADs. NADs work with enzymes that do
oxidizing and reducing, and are essential. The NADs actually
handle the electrons, pulling them away from some compounds
and giving them to the next oxidizer in the chain. We have two
major NAD systems: NAD and NADP (NAD-phosphate). The
N stands for niacin. The A stands for adenine, a purine base.