This will not kill Toxoplasma or Leishmania , though, which are
also found in plain dirt. To kill these an equal amount of salt
must be added. Cysteine and salt is particularly compatible with
buttermilk, yogurt, blended cottage cheese, and eggs. One tsp.
cysteine (4000 mg) by mouth kills many parasites and bacteria
internally; consume within ½ hour, may cause temporary side
effects at this dosage. Eat solid food afterward to reduce side
Hydrochloric acid (HCl 5%), 3 drops in a glass of water
three times a day kills bacteria in the stomach, but also reaches
the gall bladder to help the liver kill its bacteria. Do not take
straight in mouth—it dissolves teeth.
Kill Leftover Pathogens
Betaine hydrochloride. This is the only supplement we
know that can clear the intestinal tract of clostridium bacteria;
therefore it is essential to your recovery. Betaine will not clear
clostridium from your teeth. It is also a methyl group supplier.
Ozonated oil can distribute itself to locations where ozone
as a gas or ozonated water cannot reach. It can detoxify benzene
in the body (changing it to phenol) similar to the action of vita-
min B 2. We have seen it kill various bacteria and viruses when
monitoring with the Syncrometer. Even Leishmania and malaria
parasites have disappeared after several weeks’ use but more
research is needed to confirm this, and also to establish a
mechanism of its action, as well as a level of safety.
I have found that it does not oxidize vitamin C into break-
down products in the body. But it does oxidize some vitamin E.
For this reason a supplement of vitamin E should be taken 5
hours after taking ozonated oil. If it is taken sooner than this,
the ozonated oil is neutralized before it has completed its action.
Until more is known, caution is advised; use only with the mop-
up program and liver cleanse (not as an ongoing supplement).
It must be sterilized, preferably before ozonating (2 drops
HCl per cup, shaken), since most oils on the market are con-
taminated with Ascaris eggs and larvae.