only, commercial varieties may have added dyes!) to such a
concoction. But you need to be warned which supplements taste
like burning rubber tires or worse so you can leave these in their
capsules. Here is my assessment of taste.
Supplements that taste terrible: glutathione, methionine,
thioctic, amino acids, niacinamide, papain.
Supplements that taste quite bad: taurine, B vitamins,
ozonated oil, vitamin C, shark cartilage, MSM.
Supplements that taste okay: cysteine if dissolved in broth
or grapefruit juice, pantothenate, ornithine, arginine, coenzyme
Q10, potassium gluconate (salty), beta carotene, vitamin A,
wintergreen, folic acid, Chinese herb (Yunnan paiyao), biotin,
niacin, betaine, calcium, magnesium.
Supplements that taste good: inositol (sweetish), fennel,
turmeric, moose elm.
More do’s and don’ts about supplements:
- Always wash a color-coated tablet under the kitchen fau-
cet to remove the dye. (Close sink first). Dunk in vitamin
B 2 powder and set to dry on paper towel. - Take coenzyme Q10 in the morning upon rising, before
or after thyroid. - Lugol’s must be taken by itself with water at end of
meals to avoid oxidizing your vitamins and food.
Supplements can be mixed together, stirred into cereal,
mashed potatoes, pudding, or rice and gulped down at begin-
ning of meal.
Always keep bread nearby when taking supplements. If one
should stick in your throat eat a bit of bread.
If nausea threatens, eat bits of bread, not liquid. Take two
drops of mint oil (see Sources).
If a stomachache threatens, sip hot water.
For spasms of intestine, sip hot water or take one niacina-