
(pavlina) #1

structions below. Stir two drops hydrochloric acid into
each cup at time of drinking.

  1. Coenzyme Q10, 400 mg, take ten in the morning, upon
    rising, before or after the thyroid pill. Repeat this high
    dose on Day 7 through Day 14, and on Day 19. On other
    days take one capsule daily. This will begin to destroy the
    azo dyes accumulated in the spleen and body fat, par-
    ticularly Sudan IV, DAB, and Sudan Black B. You may
    snip open the capsules and mix powder with straight
    honey or put powder directly in mouth. Take it 5 hours
    away from the reducers cysteine, glutathione, and vitamin
    C; that is why early morning is best.

  2. Start vitamin B 2 and magnesium. Take two B 2 (300 mg
    each) capsules and one magnesium oxide capsule (300
    mg) three times a day. This will destroy the benzene and
    phenol that has accumulated in your spleen and body fat
    as well as helping to detoxify azo dyes there.

  3. Betaine hydrochloride (about 300 mg), take three, three
    times a day with meals. This kills Clostridium in the co-

  4. Start vitamin B 12 , 1000 mcg, take two, three times a day,
    at mealtime. This vitamin hatches Ascaris eggs; make
    sure you have already taken cysteine and ozonated oil
    previously, have zapped and are adding HCl to each food.
    If not, postpone this.

  5. Vitamin C, 2000 mg (same as 2 gm, or ½ teaspoon), three
    times a day. No “mineral ascorbates” or other vitamin C
    like products due to toxic oxidation by-products. You
    may take more.

  6. Chicken broth, one pint a day (see Recipes) alternating
    with shark cartilage , two tablespoons or more a day.
    Each beverage will receive two drops of hydrochloric
    acid before consuming.

  7. Start bromelain or papain, four 1000 mg capsules, twice a
    day. If extremely ill use both. This will digest and clear
    the ferritin coating on your white blood cells to recover
    immunity. Take well before meals (at least 15 minutes).

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