- Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), 4 capsules (800 mg
each) twice daily to reduce bad germanium and ferric
iron to good germanium and ferrous iron. - Ozonated water, 2 glasses a day. This detoxifies heavy
metals as they are mobilized from body fat and tissues,
and kills streptococcus bacteria. It also removes acrylic
acid and acrolein. - Vitamin B 1 , 500 mg, take one, three times a day (if appe-
tite is good, take one a day). - Vitamin B 6 , 250 mg, take two a day.
- Potassium gluconate, ½ teaspoon (this is 240 mg potas-
sium), three times a day until blood potassium reaches
4.7. Then stop. Use as salt on food. Blood potassium
must be monitored at least every 3 weeks.
Day 4 At A Glance
Before breakfast One coenzyme Q10 (400 mg). Repeat parasite program, 2
tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood cap-
sules, 9 clove capsules. Take thyroid (two grains), and
vitamin A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units. Open
six glutathione capsules, six B 2 capsules, three magnesium
oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride capsules, six
vitamin B 12 capsules, 25 folic acid capsules, 3 / 16 tsp. niacin,
one 500 mg calcium capsule, six 500 mg methionine cap-
sules, three (or one) 500 mg vitamin B 1 capsules, and two
250 mg vitamin B 6 capsules to make today’s vitamix. Com-
bine bromelain or papain and powdered hydrangea and
four 800 mg MSM capsules and fennel or spice and
sweetening in ½ cup water. Drink.
Breakfast Take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part
of your breakfast and gulp down. Add 15 drops of hydro-
chloric acid to your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel cap-
sules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward.
Potassium gluconate has a slightly salty taste, so “salt”
your breakfast with ½ tsp. if your blood test potassium is
below 4.7.
Midmorning Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb con-
coctions to sip throughout the day. Zap when convenient.
Empty the urine jug. If you had less than the mark, drink
more liquids today and continue collecting. If you had more
than the mark, continue to drink as much liquids and you
can stop collecting urine. Ozonate a glass quart jar of wa-
ter for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now (no need to
add hydrochloric acid).
Lunch A pint of chicken soup, 2 gm vitamin C, another third of
your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2