We have all believed that cancer is a single disease. That a
malignant cell starts it all. This is not true. Cancer is two dis-
eases. Malignancy is the second and last disease to set in. By
curing this last disease, (malignancy), as we did in The Cure
For All Cancers, the earlier disease becomes visible. This ear-
lier, first disease is tumor-growing. It is a distinct and different
disease from malignancy.
We have also believed that tumors, unless they are malig-
nant, need not be feared, that they may be called benign , im-
plying safety. This is like a zebra on the African plains believ-
ing that a lion who is standing very still, nearby, need not be
feared. This is, again, not true.
In this book, I will show you the true nature of tumors, why
they grow and even multiply. Why they are dangerous. By re-
moving the causes of tumor growth, you will be able to shrink
your tumors.
Even if you have a non-tumorous form of cancer, the same
causes are at work. All cancers are alike.
Your body has built-in tumor shrinkers. Obviously, they are
not working. Why? They are blocked. You only need to unblock
them. It does not take months or years to unblock them. It only
takes days to do this and begin the shrinking process.
You will see it happen, on X-rays or by blood test results.
You may feel it happen when pressure and pain are reduced.
But how the body shrinks your tumors, or gets rid of cells that
have acquired numerous mutations, the exact mechanism in-
volved, is still a mystery. Even the p53 mutations, the hallmark
of cancers, disappear! Oncogenes, such as the myc family, stop
reproducing. (We will talk about all these later.) The details