This is what actually happened to people using the methods
taught in this book. They were not selected because they were
all successful, indeed, some of the earliest ones were hampered
by our lack of understanding. These true stories were selected
simply on the basis of having confirming before-and-after evi-
dence of what the treatment did for them. Naturally the names
have been changed to ones randomly selected from a telephone
book to protect the privacy of the patient. Furthermore, to in-
clude all the details in their file, including all the scans taken,
would quadruple the size of this chapter, so I have just included
relevant details and representative scans.
Nearly every case was diagnosed as “terminal.” Yet most
patients kept joy and hope in their hearts. Many gained a second
life. Some did not. But each one taught a new lesson, sometimes
at great cost, and for that reason the knowledge in this book is
priceless. This is your guide to survival.
1 Katherine Morales Bone Cancer
Katherine Morales, age seventy-eight, came September 21, for her bone
cancer that had invaded her whole skeleton. She was in pain from top to toe,
especially at the back of her head and neck and the bottom of her spine. She
had recently been in poor health otherwise, tool She had shoulder, knee, and
hip repaired and replaced, and now her digestion was bad and she coughed a
lot. Katherine was on heart medicine (Verapamil). Her daughter, who came
with her, could easily see the downward trend; her mother could only sit and
had dropped below 90 lb. Katherine was anxious about herself, too. She felt
a lump in her abdomen that she could not explain and her bowels had not
moved for days.
Syncrometer® testing at the general body level showed ortho-phospho-
tyrosine Positive at kidneys and bone, Negative at colon and liver. [Testing
at the general body level selects those problems that are widespread and,
therefore, of greater level of toxicity and significance. When a tissue slide is
included in the circuit, only problems at this tissue are detected.] She not
only had bone cancer as found by her doctor at home, but also kidney cancer.