We ordered a bone scan and kidney scan, but she wanted to do all scans and
tests at home where insurance was certain to cover the cost.
Other testing we did included isopropyl alcohol (Negative: cancer suf-
ferers always test positive to this, but Katherine had already stopped using all
items on the isopropyl alcohol list); lead and vanadium (Negative); asbestos
(Positive: she must stop using her dryer); arsenic (Positive: she must clear all
pesticide from her home); fiberglass (Negative). She was also clear of the
solvents benzene and wood alcohol. Finally, we tested for bacteria: three
salmonella varieties, E. coli, three shigella varieties, and Staphylococcus
aureus were all Negative. This was a pleasant surprise. I had usually found
Staph responsible for bone pain–which she had! It would originate in a rotten
tooth or old jaw-bone infection (cavitation). But Katherine’s situation was
different. She wore complete dentures. Staphylococcus could certainly be
hiding in a cavitation and we would do a careful inspection. But any dental
problem would be minimal. Would this give her a special chance to survive?
She reminded me of my very special elderly house-mate who had died re-
cently. Both were very frail and bowed with bone loss. Both had thick files in
their doctor’s offices for broken bones and sprains. But my companion, even
at age ninety-seven, was pain-free and pill-free. Could I at least help
Katherine out of chronic pain?
Katherine was to start taking the kidney herbs, kill parasites regularly,
zap daily, and take two teas she could make herself at home. One was mul-
lein herb for her cough. The other was burdock root to improve her constipa-
tion. She would also take 1 tablespoon of moose elm (also called slippery
elm) made into a cup of half and half. And sodium alginate made up as ½
teaspoon added to 1 cup of boiling water. This would find its way through
the toughest blockage in her intestine. She would be started on IVs and 2
vials containing rhodizonic acid daily.
All this could have overwhelmed Katherine, but her daughter took on
the tasks eagerly. Katherine exuded the sweetness of the very elderly as she
said goodbye. Did she really believe there would be a “Mexican miracle” for
her? I gazed after her with wishful thoughts.
Three days later, not much had been accomplished. Nor had her bowels
moved. But her digestion seemed better.
In another three days, much had occurred. She had begun to have bowel
action the previous day; the alginate had found its way through. The ab-
dominal scan had been done and revealed no tumors. The bone scan revealed
“hot spots” of cancer from top to toe. Hardly a bone was free of lesions. No
wonder she had pains everywhere.
Her blood test results are given at the end of her story, page 257. They
showed the typical low blood sugar (66!) of cancer patients; she would soon
be emaciated, not just tiny, frail and thin. Her BUN (4!) and creatinine were
much too low, showing there was a block in their formation. She would soon
be toxic with ammonia, unable to turn it into urea (BUN). Her LDH was
completely normal though, as were all her liver tests showing that hair dye,