doing more and more walking, and getting stronger. She had done her second
liver cleanse and got a lot of stones again, including one large one. Her nau-
sea was gone now, and she was eating well. There was no coughing. She was
zapping daily. All bacteria tested Negative. The bowel was functioning per-
fectly. Her pulse was 68; there were no missed heart beats. So she was taken
off Verapamil and left only on hawthorn berry capsules, one 3 times a day
plus coenzyme Q10. She would have her pulse taken daily to see if this
switch was satisfactory.
Three weeks after that, January 9, Katherine came in with purpuric
(purple) spots on her arms. Her left hip also showed a “bruise mark” and was
painful. She was taken off molasses and syrup sweeteners she was using—
they contain sorghum molds that cause blood vessels to break, causing the
purpura. She should make herself marmalade as a sweetener, using honey.
This would provide bioflavonoids to strengthen her blood vessels. A sup-
plement of bioflavonoids was added for a month. Otherwise, she was getting
stronger. She had gained more weight back. A new blood test was scheduled.
Next day we reviewed it together. Her blood sugar level was now much bet-
ter. She was making urea well (BUN up to 13) though creatinine was still too
low. Most significant was the further drop in alk phos, this represented the
improvement in her bone cancer.
The entire staff was elated for her, as well as her daughter. Her liver
could make enough albumin again so she was not in danger of developing
edema followed by kidney and heart failure. Her uric acid was normal, but
calcium was too high (10.3). She could go off her calcium supplement and
reduce vitamin D drops to one a week. Her iron level was normal.
Katherine had seen her medical doctor recently, who had released her.
We could also release her this time, free of pain, free of drugs, but still on a
few supplements.
Three months later, she came in for a peculiar head problem. She had
pain again, at the back of her neck. Notice how extremely “hot” the bone
lesions at the top of her spine were initially. This implicates bacteria—the
most likely bacteria were food bacteria since she had full dentures ruling out
rotten teeth. Indeed, she tested Positive for Salmonella and Shigella. She was
put on a Bowel Program including Lugol’s, four times a day, turmeric, fen-
nel, and digestive enzymes with each meal for one month. In one week she
was much better, all bacteria tested Negative and she could stop the program.
Only freon tested Positive now, It had filled her diaphragm. She would start
drinking ozonated water and make a recipe of kidney herbs for herself be-
sides changing her refrigerator.
In June she moved to a new apartment. Immediately she began coughing
a lot. She was full of fiberglass. Dust tests led to the furnace room, where
there was also arsenic. She received a benzoquinone shot (½ dose). Later that
month she was well again.