must wait for future research. The good news is that it does
happen, predictably, not by chance or “spontaneous remission.”
Malignancy Review
Now that we can cure both the malignancy and the tumor
growth, we may reflect: it makes good sense that malignancy
and tumor growth are two distinct diseases.
After all, the malignancy is simply the result
of invasion of your tumors by a fluke parasite,
Fasciolopsis buskii, and the presence of iso-
propyl alcohol.
The common name for this parasite is
human intestinal fluke. It goes through its
larval stages in your
tumors, instead of in
its usual secondary
host, a snail. Your
body serves the same
purpose as the
snail’s—it provides
food and shelter for
the parasite. But at a
huge cost! If isopro-
pyl alcohol is present
also, we will make
abundant hCG and
tyrosine (which I use
Fig. 1 Human
intestinal fluke
typical size
These were expelled from the bowel, they
are in various stages of decay. They float.
“Black hairy legs” are strings of eggs.