
(pavlina) #1

balt); (5) stop eating fruit except bananas and lemons (to eliminate patulin);
(6) get his amalgams changed to composite and clean cavitations (to elimi-
nate staphylococcus); (7) take vitamin C, vitamin B-complex, vitamin A,
zinc; (8) get a benzoquinone (BQ) shot. But his finances did not allow regu-
lar visits or IVs. We begged him to persevere.
Two weeks later his cobalt was gone. He had ordered a new refrigerator.
Arsenic was gone; patulin was gone; but salmonellas were now present in the
prostate. He was given Lugol’s to take for that. Also rhodizonic acid.
It wasn’t working. At his next visit another two weeks later, his PSA
was up to 130 ng/ml. He had a lot of pain around the ribs and lower back. He
was asked to do a bone scan. He had his new refrigerator, and patulin was
still Negative, so he could eat a few more fruits. Rhizopus (fungus) was
growing in his prostate and Peyers patches (the lymph nodes of the intestine).
[We are able to grow fungus right inside our most hallowed organs, the
lymph nodes.] His latest blood test showed a low RBC. He was started on an
IV containing potassium, magnesium, cesium, and B complex. He was in the
middle of dental replacement. His next blood test showed exceptionally good
results in spite of his poor condition. But the protein level was slightly high,
and LDH also high. He was given another BQ shot. The outcome looked
assured. But why was he worsening?
Another week later he had picked up patulin again. And mercury was
still Positive even after amalgam removal. It was traced to his new pink
denture; he was to replace it. He was given another IV. He was to continue
rhodizonic acid, two a day.
He did not show up for his daily IVs, in spite of entreaties. In fact, he
didn’t return for two months. His friend gave explanations of a sort. When he
arrived this time he was feeling very well. A blood test he brought with him
showed: LDH 245 and PSA 167. The tumor was not shrinking. And deep
inside, patulin fungus was again growing, as was Aspergillus mycelium ,
conidia and three other aspergillus varieties. There was mercury at the pros-
tate; he was using cotton swabs daily. [We did not understand the impor-
tance of leftover amalgam tattoos at that time.] He was given cloves, cinna-
mon, L-G (homemade lysine-glutamate as described in The Cure For
HIV/AIDS), wormwood, and bee pollen. This was our antifungal program at
that time. He was given another BQ shot, to bring down the LDH. And two
IVs of EDTA plus vitamin C.
Two weeks later, he appeared more bowed and shuffling than ever but
still walked unassisted. Patulin was again at the prostate, as was insulin-like
growth factor. Both Fasciolopsis eggs and Fasciola miracidia were thriving
there, too. He was reminded to zap, and take the parasite herbs regularly. His
caregiver was doing her level best.
Three weeks later, he had pain everywhere around the middle and in his
spine. The catheter showed bloody urine. There was staphylococcus every-
where. And fibroblast growth factor in the liver. He was given 4 tsp. black
walnut tincture extra strength in a quart of very warm water by enema plus 1

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