tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength by mouth. His PSA was 169. His
LDH 274. His doctor at home, where the test was done, was calling him ur-
gently for treatment. His RBC was 3.35.
In another three weeks his pain around the mid-abdomen was much
worse. He still had not done all his dental work. The bone scan showed
widespread bone cancer. Staphylococcus was still everywhere. He was to
continue taking enemas.
Six days later he arrived in a wheelchair, just a wispy shadow of his
former self. He said he was numb everywhere. His blood test results were
RBC 3.74 (an increase!), LDH 268 (slight decrease), uric acid 2.4 for which
he was given glutamine. He was given a BQ shot and an oral dose of DMSO
(just half a dose). IVs were not helping him so were not recommended. He
was given Lugol’s again to be taken four times a day for salmonella every-
where. There was also staphylococcus everywhere due to uncompleted dental
work. He was now too sick to sit in a dentist’s chair. He was given mag-
nesium, plus Cascara sagrada for constipation. And black walnut tincture
extra strength was increased to 2 tsp. on alternate days.
He went home to die and I did not prevail upon him to do more. His
whole treatment program had been “too little, too late.” His caregiver quietly
pushed him through the front door and we looked our last goodbye.
Eleven months later she reappeared by herself. I wanted to know about
Norman’s last days. She almost giggled as she spoke; Oh, Norman’s fine,
she said. He’s living on a mountain top. I thought she meant as an angel in
some religious sense. Oh yes! I said and listened on. She related that he
wanted to die on a piece of family property—mountainous land—far from
his city home. When he left our office he decided to live his last at this
mountain retreat. He threw away his pills and potions, all his vitamins, spe-
cial herbs, etc. But instead of dying he got stronger. He got out of the wheel-
chair, began to cook for himself, went for walks on trails and enjoyed each
sunrise and sunset. He planned to stay there and not return for any more
Later, as I absorbed this “miracle” I wondered: Was it his toxic home
that he was getting away from? Some food dye? A toxic supplement? Was it
the enemas that helped? Was it the L-G and bee pollen? Was there magic in
the mountain property? We’ll never know. The truth still lies carefully hid-
PS He didn’t need his catheter any more either.