Summary: It was
tempting, as an author or
researcher, to omit this
case history. It ridicules all
our efforts as therapists.
And perhaps other patients
will try this and shorter
their days. One cancer
patient, who knew Nor-
man, did choose Norman’s
abandon, went to a moun-
tain retreat and lived on
coconuts and other natural
food. She died a few
months later, emaciated
and in pain. It is not easy
or simple to abandon all
civilization’s foods and
products. She kept her hair
dye and eyebrow pencil,
perhaps her vitamin C, and
a few other select items.
These may have been the
I decided to keep the
story. It has more hidden wisdom than we can understand; at the very least, a
terminally ill patient should leave the dwelling where the disease was ac-
6 Brian Castro Bone Cancer
Brian, age seventeen, was a tall, athletic looking teenager, who came
with his parents for his bone cancer on July 14. They could stay at the clinic
only four days. Three weeks earlier, his right arm began hurting and a bump
arose on his forearm about half way up to the elbow. His whole arm and
hand were painful and he couldn’t move his thumb back. X-rays showed the
bone tumor on the ulna.
Earlier in the Spring (March), Brian had become very tired. He slept
most of the time (16-18 hours a day), the rest of the day he was dizzy and felt
cold. [Dizziness is usually due to Salmonella; feeling cold could be due to
anything abnormal in the thyroid.] His blood pressure was low and he was
pale. He had a dog. His mouth contained amalgam.
A visit to the doctor at that time, March 9, got him a blood test and a di-
agnosis of Epstein-Barre virus. There was nothing to do but “outgrow” it. He
RBC 3.78 4.0 3.35 3.74
WBC 5,000 7,000 5,200 4,200
PLT 244 ----- 198 210
glucose 87 95 96
BUN 20 20 18
creatinine 0.9 1.1 0.9
AST (SGOT) 33 26 43
ALT (SGPT) 20 16 29
LDH 232 274 268
GGT 23 33 35
T.b. 1.0 0.9 1.0
alk phos 121 87 94
T.p. 8.1 7.2 6.9
albumin 4.5 4.0 4.6
globulin 3.6 3.2 2.3
uric acid 4.7 3.8 2.4
Calcium 9.1 9.5 9.6
Phosphorus 4.3 3.6 4.4
Iron 93 67 59
Sodium 138 136 133
Potassium 4.7 4.1 4.1
Chloride 103 99 95
triglycerides 124 105 141
cholesterol 214 195 187
PSA 130 169