is hard to understand,” he said, “it looks great. I want to see it again in three
months.” A blood test done by his doctor was dated December 27.
The RBC is too high, due to cobalt and vanadium from left over tattoos
[or possibly from the recent dental composites installed]. The WBC is now
too low, implicating toxins in the bone marrow. The LDH is correct now; so
is the alkaline phosphatase for the first
time (note range change for alk phos); this
indicates normal bone health. The albu-
min was normal now, as was iron. Urine
tests (not shown) had normalized also.
We didn’t actually see Brian and his
family again till February 28 of the next
year. He had lost 15 lb. and was fatigued a
lot. He had malonic acid in the bone, bone
marrow and liver. [At that time we did not
suspect a food source, nor the dental
plastic source.] We assumed he had
picked up a tapeworm stage again. This
time we used coenzyme Q10 in 4 massive
doses of 3,000 mg taken four days apart.
He was also given glutathione. This
should help normalize bone metabolism
after the malonic acid attack.
Our Syncrometer tests showed: vana-
dium Positive; cobalt Positive. [The
sources for these were not suspected to be
right in his own mouth. Now we know he
must remove the composites as well and
even make a dedicated search for tattoos
before he can be free of their toxicity.]
The parents were encouraged to learn the
Syncrometer technique so they could fol-
low his progress at home.
His last X-ray was taken on April 1:
His doctor had come into the room and
said, “Well, it’s all gone now. That was a
strange thing, but there’s nothing to worry
about now. He must have injured it or
something because it’s not there anymore.
It looks like normal healthy bone. I don’t
know what that was. It was sure strange,
but you don’t need to come back. What-
ever that was, it’s gone now.”
Brian’s parents were meticulous
about writing down what the doctors said,
April 1, next year