couraged to test and treat up to the very end. The hospital water contained no
copper which was the basis of my choice of hospital. Of course, it was still
coming from the plastic dentalware [and tumors].
Jamie’s daughter was allowed and encouraged to do her mother’s cook-
ing, feed her, and do personal chores. She was also getting three IVs a day,
containing amino acids, fat emulsion, besides numerous vitamins and miner-
als. She was not in pain. Each day, her daughter coaxed a cup of “high-
calorie food” down her; she did not resist.
Suddenly, May 1, Jamie got better. She talked on the telephone and took
a shower—standing by herself! They were both jubilant and Oh! so hopeful.
Would the miracle happen? The next day she did a blood test. Hopes were
dashed again. LDH had set a new record, 5350. Yet Jamie was definitely
better in a number of ways. This could not simply be due to that small drop
in the transaminases, SGOT and SGPT.
On May 2, when the blood test showed no improvement, a special
preparation of benzoquinone was made for her. The concept was taken from
Dr. William Koch. I had been reading his books to the wee hours of the
night. Librarians helped locate these long-lost monographs at obscure librar-
ies. Dr. Koch discovered half a dozen highly oxidizing compounds that could
safely be given to cancer patients. He cautioned against giving too much or
too often. He described one of these as benzoquinone, a familiar compound,
which in a minute dose of 1 ml of a 1 ppm solution could miraculously
“cure” a bedridden, terminally ill cancer patient. He had pictures of
“recoveries” to prove it. I gave it to myself several times first. After I noticed
no ill effects, staff volunteers took the shot. It seemed safe, and was, after all,
in a homeopathic dose. We gave it to Jamie.
The next five days she got better and better. She stayed out of bed and
wanted food. She stopped vomiting and hiccuping. Her family arrived, too,
seemingly to applaud her gains.
But on May 8, Jamie had no insomnia and was sleepy through the day.
The next day was no better, in fact, worse. We did a blood test to find the
cause, but it was too late. Jamie was slipping away. Her family surrounded
her as she lay in a coma in bed. Voices were lifted in song. She left at 6 p.m.
on May 10.
The blood test results were available at 8 p.m. LDH was an incredible
338(!) and the other liver statistics showed similar improvement. But if that
wasn’t the problem, what was? Perhaps you have already spotted it: high
calcium levels. Simple hypercalcemia, plus a rising bilirubin.
Neither I nor the other doctors suspected it, and it would have been cor-
rectable if we had just ordered the blood tests a day earlier. And what if Ja-
mie had gotten the BQ shot a day earlier? It was not to be. The family was
more than kind and gracious and forgiving. She did not die in pain or on
morphine. Was it the benzoquinone shot that worked the miracle? Or every-
thing else?